Following Jesus isn't a solo sport.
Christ-followers need to be equipped to live out the gospel in their communities to start ministries, Bible studies, and churches in places without them. Churches must become sending agencies that equip their Gospel family members go and make disciples.
This is how we believe God has called us to operate: to be a tangible demonstration of the Kingdom of God, helping people find and follow Jesus. This is for the Glory of God and the good of our city.โ
As men, we are not called to sit on the bench but to go out to the field and give our all. Training Camp is designed to be just that. Every team member goes through regular conditioning to remind ourselves of the fundamentals and hold each other accountable to be obedient to them.

is designed for men who want to truly follow Jesus, no matter how long they have been a believer.
Joining a small group of 2-3 other men, you will be committing to meeting weekly and being obedient to 10 core practices commanded by scripture and demonstrated by the early disciples.
Some groups are done in 10 weeks, some take longer. We don't move forward to the next practice until we are obedient to the last.